Mobile Beaconer

Frequently Asked Questions

The following FAQ is also available from within Mobile Beaconer - just use the Help menu item.

Q: How do I preserve my data?

A: Mobile Beaconer is configured to make Android backup all your data - managed beacons and preferences.

The recommended procedure is to get your data the way you want it then either wait for Android to automatically back it up, or use the backup feature (typically in "Accounts and backup" in the device settings) to start the backup manually. Once the backup is done, if you delete the app and then reinstall it, Android will restore your data automatically before it allows you to open the app. The same applies if you do a factory data reset - Android will restore your data when the app is reinstalled.

Q: Why are beacons detected from too far away or too close?

A: By the nature of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices, determining distance is inherently approximate. Many things between your phone and a beacon can throw off the calculated distance - reflective surfaces, absorbent surfaces, physical barriers, people, etc.